Progress Report: [491d]::[524hr]::[2342vocab]::[320kanji]::[997sentences]

The obvious change from last report are all those sentences.  I think it’s over 500 new sentences in the last month or so.  I’ve given up adding any cards other than sentence cards until sentences catch up with vocabulary.  Since I know the vocabulary in the sentences I’m making short work of them.  About 800 of the vocabulary are not from core, but from another deck, I am really only at about 1500 core vocabulary.  So that looks like I have about 500 more sentences until I’m caught up.

I’ve noticed that I can do dictionary lookups within anki(I think it’s an iOS function – just press and hold and you get a context menu).  That’s really helping with sentences because I can remind myself of words that I forgot and I’m even keeping cards that I don’t know all the words because I’m learning hem from context.

My deck is a little hard to comprehend right now because I integrated it into the optimized deck and there is a lot of inconsistency.   So it’s hard to figure out which cards still need to be unsuspended.  Also, I’m suspending sentence cards if they at all confuse me, so it’s not clear I’ll be able to get to 1500 sentences without a lot of figuring things out.

Things have gotten a lot easier

For some reason, and I’m not sure exactly why, my accuracy has gotten a LOT better in the past month.  From about 90% to over 95%.  I think it has a lot to do with adding the sentences because I have pretty good accuracy with the sentences and I’m not being to strict with them.  I also think it is because I’m getting a lot more vocabulary practice just reading the sentences because there’s around 3-8 words in each sentence so it ups my vocabulary accuracy too.  I’ve also stopped adding vocab cards, so the cards are getting more mature.  Whatever the reason, it’s a very welcome development.  I wish I would have started earlier with the sentences – probably around 400 in the core vocab.

What’s next?

From here I will continue adding sentences until I catch up with the vocab cards.  That probably shouldn’t take more than a few weeks.  Then I will start adding both vocab and sentence cards together for a while and see how that goes.  There are a few grammar structures that I don’t completely understand, and I’ve been making them, so I will probably look those up.  I will probably browse through tae kim again and start adding some tae kim grammar cards.

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