Sentences are Easy!

I’ve been adding sentences again for the past several weeks and I’m happy to report that sentences are really easy!  I guess it comes as no surprise that if you know all the words, reading japanese sentence is really no sweat.  Filing in the cloze deleted word is a little more challenging, but still nothing to slow me down as much as a fresh vocabulary word.

Of course I’m stacking the deck where any card that contains a word I don’t know is suspended.  However, I’ll unsuspend them in a few months and hopefully I’ll know all of the words.  I’m even noticing sentence cards that I’ve suspended before because I couldn’t understand them, and now I understand them quite well.

So far I don’t have a count of the new cards which I’ve gone through.  I’ll update the count and forecast a timeline once I get a few more weeks for sentence study data to play with.  If you haven’t already, consider reading my recent post on adding Anki cards without getting bogged down.


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